What Types of Winter Tools are in Your Vehicle?

Let’s face it. Winter is here to stay for a while. The roads and parking lots are sheets of ice. Is your vehicle stocked with emergency supplies for winter?
Here are a few things recommended by JD Power:
Ice Scraper and Snow Brush: If you park in an outdoor parking lot during work, you may need a snow brush or scraper to clean your car before leaving work. Keep your ice scraper indoors with you in case you need to chip away at ice to get into your car!
Blanket, Gloves and Hat: In this subzero weather, make sure you have things in your car to keep warm. If your heat stops working, you won’t want to be without a blanket!
Kitty Litter: You probably don’t need an entire bag of kitty litter. It is a good idea to keep about a quarter of a bag in your car, though. It can help you get out of ice and snow if your tires have no traction.
Washer Fluid: Winter weather is infamous for making your car dirty. Make sure you have extra washer fluid. If you run out, it could affect your visibility.
Stay safe and keep warm!